Gift Biz Unwrapped | Women Entrepreneurs | Bakers, Crafters, Makers | Startup

398 – The StartUp Story of Little Rebels with Marjorie Spitalnik



Have you ever wondered how the dolls you see on store shelves come to be? Today you're going to hear the details behind the story of Little Rebels dolls, how MJ (short for Marjorie) came up with the idea, and everything it took to get to where she is today. Particularly impressive is the detail that MJ put into the look of the dolls and how she committed BIG time to a large retailer, literally inventing a program on the fly while keeping her fingers crossed that it could actually be done. Marjorie is a Latin American entrepreneur and founder of Little Rebels with more than 15 years of experience in advertising and communications. Inspired by her daughter, Marjorie decided to go after her dreams of empowering women and kids about great women that shaped the world. Little Rebels is an educational platform created to empower and inspire girls. Playfully and interactively, it teaches stories through plushies, media, and technology. The StartUp Story Of Little Rebels In this episode, you'll hear ... How MJ