Amanda's Wellbeing Podcast

Five Minute Food Facts - Blue Zones



The Blue Zones are communities around the world where people live to a ripe old age and in relatively good heath. In the Blue Zones, the proportion of 90 to 100-year-olds to the overall population is unusually high. The concept and classification of the BZ came about through a National Geographic expedition led by Dan Beuttner to investigate communities around the world that live longer and better and understand what common factors enhanced longevity in those populations. The BZ researchers distilled 9 features common across the BZ areas coined the “Power Nine”. In this podcast, I set out what the nine factors are are and talk briefly to each one. They include incorporating movement into your daily life, eating a diet made up of plenty of plants and legumes and avoiding processed foods, knowing your purpose and putting your loved ones first. Personally, I am a fan of the Blue Zones literature because a lot of the principles are firmly based in common sense and generations of wi