Gift Biz Unwrapped | Women Entrepreneurs | Bakers, Crafters, Makers | Startup

Tips & Talk 89 – It Only Takes 5 Minutes to Make a Major Impact



What would it be like if you could own a spot in someone’s mind where, whenever they thought of you, it brought up warm positive feelings. Wouldn’t it be something if you could have this effect on the people you interact with each day in your business? Imagine what it could do for your sales! Resources Mentioned in this Episode Inspired! Daily Planner Be part of the newest Gift Biz Opportunities! The Gift Biz Bash offers you the chance to get added visibility for your business - for free. Who can't use that?! But seats are limited. To see the dates and times and to grab your spot, go through the link above. A Gift Biz Boost is a free one-on-one strategy session discussion a part of your business you're trying to grow. Maybe it's the first steps to getting started, or how to attract more sales, whatever your current focus is. You'll leave with actionable steps to "boost" you forward. Join our community of handmade product makers Gift Biz Breeze is an active and inspiring group of creators at all levels of bu