Gift Biz Unwrapped | Women Entrepreneurs | Bakers, Crafters, Makers | Startup

394 – A New Way to Get First Time Customers to Buy Again with Monica Sharma-Patnekar



Did you know it costs 5x more to convert a new customer than to get additional orders from a past buyer? And if you can get just 5% of your first-time customers to buy again, it can increase your profits anywhere from 25-95%. These stats say it all - it definitely pays to learn how to turn first-time customers into (repeat buyers)!  On the show today, you’ll hear about a strategy you most likely haven't heard of before. And best of all - it doesn't cost any money, just your time! Monica is a digital brand, marketing & strategy professional with 17 years of experience building global brands. She’s worked across multiple business sectors, from startups to Fortune 500 companies. Additionally, she’s been hired by Google to coach their premium partners who work with eCommerce businesses. Monica is Dutch by birth and Indian by heritage. Global by choice & education. A creative thinker. A dancer. A chai fanatic. A mom of 2 girls. How To Get First-Time