Gift Biz Unwrapped | Women Entrepreneurs | Bakers, Crafters, Makers | Startup

393 – BOOST – Pricing for Retail and Wholesale with Gail Berardo



Do you ever think about what you'll do after you retire? Because (especially if you work a nine-to-five for someone else), that day will eventually come. Today, I talk with Gail Berardo of (EveMichael Designs). Gail has been in business for a while at this point, working it around her full-time job. But now that she’s retired, she has more time to build upon what she’s already very successfully started. Her idea of developing a brand on the side with the intent of retiring into something she loves is a perfect way to approach things. So in this Boost, let's focus on how to do just that! Get Your Pricing For Retail And Wholesale Right Up until now, (wholesale) has been Gail’s sales strategy, which she will continue to pursue. But she’d also like to add direct-to-consumer sales into the mix. She wants to get out and interact with people! We dive deep into all the gritty details needed to http