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392 – BASH – Hashtags – Use Them Or Not?



Hashtags. A topic that has been surrounded by a lot of confusion. And if you think you’ve got it all down pat, let me put out there that what you knew to be true even two years ago has all changed today. Ah! The joys of (social media). Not to worry. Answers to your (hashtag questions) and more coming your way right now! What's In This Bash? 1. Free Training: The Latest Scoop On Hashtags In this BASH, we cover: What are hashtags? Why use them? Where to use them? What’s the right number of hashtags to use? How do I figure out which ones are the best for my biz? and more! 2. Q&A about this topic with Bash attendees. Did your question get asked and answered? If not, (come ask in the Facebook Group). 3. Business Showcases Listen to the full episode to hear about discounts, collaboration opportunitie