Street Faith

What Do We Really Believe About Sin and Why Does It Matter?



Do we really believe that the Kingdom of God is breaking in…here and now? Then what are we doing about it? If we want to make an actual difference in our world and the lives of the people around us, we need to get serious! About having real conversations with real people outside of our own boxes and echo-chambers. Conversations…not fights…with people who may not agree with us. People who need to hear the truth. True Truth. God’s Truth. About the way things really are. And why. And what can be done. And how. And that may mean that sometimes we need to correct some misconceptions about who we are…and what we believe…about Jesus…and God…and people…and evil…and sin. And about what the bible really says. And why it’s relevant now! Maybe more than ever before! If we take the time to get the basics right, then a lot of the rest might just start to make sense. We want to help you to have those kinds of conversations. This week’s episode looks at one of those hardcore basic questions. “What Do We Really Believe A