Gift Biz Unwrapped | Women Entrepreneurs | Bakers, Crafters, Makers | Startup

Tips & Talk 82 – How to Find Good Blog Topics



What should you write about in your blog when you’re a maker and sell your handmade products? Your blog should compliment your business goals in some way. Attract new customers, inform, educate, answer FAQ’s or share other information your reader will find valuable. Plus, the most important part … it should be SEO friendly. All this ultimately leads a potential customer to trust you and see you as an expert that they’d want to buy from. For current customers, it reinforces their smart decision of past purchases and reminds them of you when it’s time to buy again. Let’s talk about how to find topics that will achieve these goals so your blog works for you 24/7 to grow your business. Be part of the newest Gift Biz Opportunities! The (Gift Biz Bash) offers you the chance to get added visibility for your business - for free. Who can't use that?! But seats are limited. To see the dates and times and to grab your spot, go through the link above. A