Lessons From The Playroom

Lessons from the Playroom Special: Janet Courtney: Infant Mental Health and Play Therapy



Original Air Date: September 23, 2020 "It's about the therapist's ability to attune in order to facilitate a process of attunement and playful touch between caregiver and infant." - Janet Courtney Traditional play therapy targets children ages 3 and older, but what about the children who aren't yet three? How do we help these children? Join Lisa as she talks about infant mental health with special guest, Dr. Janet Courtney- founder of FirstPlay Therapy. Together they explore the biggest myth related to infants, the significance of implicit memory and most importantly, how clinicians can support healing and re-patterning for these very special little people. Janet Courtney, PhD, LCSW, Registered Play Therapy Supervisor, is Founder of FirstPlay® Therapy which is offered for two different developmental levels including “FirstPlay® Developmental Infant Play Therapy” for ages birth to 2 years, and FirstPlay Kinesthetic Storytelling®” for children ages 3 years and older. Dr. Courtney is author and Editor of the gr