Gift Biz Unwrapped | Women Entrepreneurs | Bakers, Crafters, Makers | Startup

Tips & Talk 74 – What’s Your One Burning Question?



What if you could jump on the phone with me for a quick 10-minute conversation? Now you can. Ask my opinion of a website platform you’re considering. Want thoughts about how to get stronger results from an upcoming craft show? Or maybe it’s an overall strategy discussion. Whatever’s on your mind. The second I learned about this new program, I saw the beauty of how it can help me serve you in a whole new way. It provides an opportunity for us to connect - just you and me - in an easy and convenient way – and not at standard one-on-one coaching prices either. Listen in to hear all about it. Be part of the newest Gift Biz Opportunity! The (Gift Biz Bash) offers you the chance to get added visibility for your business - for free. Who can't use that?! But seats are limited. To see the dates and times and to grab your spot, go through the link above. Join our community of handmade product makers (Gift Biz Breeze) is an active and ins