Open The Pod Bay Doors

E110 - Kristin Vaughan, Clean Energy Innovation Fund



Kristin Vaughan is the Director of the Clean Energy Innovation Fund, the largest dedicated cleantech investor in Australia, created to invest $200 million in early-stage clean technology companies. Prior to joining CEFC, Kristin spent more than a decade in private equity. Kristin previously worked as a management consultant at AT Kearney and holds a degree in chemical engineering from the University of Sydney.In this chat with Ian, Kristin discusses:Her career journey and how it led to investing in cleantechWhere the opportunities are in renewables in AustraliaAustralian startups with innovative clean energy techThe role of carbon pricingQuickfire Round RecommendationsBook: Into Thin Air, Touching the Void and The Adventurer's SonPodcast: The Interchange from Greentech Media & How I Built ThisNews source: The Guardian, ABC, AFRFavourite tech CEO: Yvon Chouinard (Patagonia)App: LastPassProductivity tool: Pen & paper to-do lists__________________Innovation Bay is holding AI and health tech-focused pitch