Open The Pod Bay Doors

E112 - Nick Carter, Macquarie Group



Nick Carter is the is one of Australia’s leading energy experts; he is currently Senior Vice President of Energy Tech and Solutions at Macquarie in Australia where works across a range of areas from energy storage to renewable energy. He is an engineer by trade and has worked around the world for companies like Toyota, General Motors and Tesla. Nick has a real passion for electric vehicles (EVs) and this episode heavily focuses on the future of electronic vehicles in Australia.Some topics Nick covers in this conversation with Phaedon include:Big changes in the EV space from the past yearHow autonomous vehicles relate to electric vehiclesElectrification of the transport system and the opportunities it presentsHow the grid will be impacted by an increase in EV uptakeTrends, challenges and opportunities in the EV spaceQuickfire recommendations:Book: What Is to Be Done: Political Engagement and Saving the Planet by Barry JonesPodcast: The Driven podcast by theNews source: ABC NewsHoliday location: Forrest, Victor