Open The Pod Bay Doors

E140 - Dr Julio Ribeiro, Inventia Life Science



Dr Julio Ribeiro is the Co-Founder and CEO of Inventia Life Science, a deeptech, biotechnology company. Inventia build instruments for the 3D printing of biomaterials (literal living human cells) to print 3D structures or models of tumors with an ultimate aim to accelerate the drug discovery process and speed up medical research.The impact Julio and Inventia are looking to have is life-changing. To date, the pharmaceuticals industry has spent billions of dollars in research. According to Julio, 90% of drug trials fail. Inventia’s technology reduces the pipeline of unsuccessful drugs, speeding up the process of getting those that do work onto the market.Inventia have to date raised $35million with the likes of Blackbird, Skipp Capital, Main Sequence and angels as investors. The top 10 pharmaceutical companies globally already utilise the technology, with labs all across the world and a global waitlist eager to use the technology. The current funds and next few years will see Inventia exploring the market and s