Gift Biz Unwrapped | Women Entrepreneurs | Bakers, Crafters, Makers | Startup

380 – Flipping His Primary Focus from Rabbi to Jewelry Maker with Doug Heifetz of Lost & Forged



Life can take interesting turns. And sometimes, we end up in a (completely different place) than we thought we would. Today's guest is a perfect example. Although he started out as a professional rabbi, he now is a full-time jewelry maker! And you're going to love hearing his journey because it is such a perfect case study on (starting and growing a handmade product business)! Doug creates his artwork to celebrate surprising transformations and to make upcycling irresistible. Through his small studio operation, Lost & Forged, he offers a wide range of original jewelry, accessories, Judaica items, and decor pieces, all made by hand from antique silverware and other reclaimed metal objects. He began his artistic work in 2015. Since then, Doug has shipped his pieces to buyers in dozens of countries overseas and all 50 US states. Doug lives in Silver Spring, Maryland with his two children.