Paleo Quick Tip Of The Day

A True Paleo Life is Both Beautiful, and Religious



Modern life is seen to be practical and a cut-to-the-essentials type of living. Science will lead us now- no more superstition! And let’s be practical, above all!  No more Victorian frills and nonsense- from now on, we will ‘cut to the chase’ and ‘concentrate on the essentials above all’!Such a viewpoint is very shortsighted, and misses the forest for the trees.  Literally.  Case in point- Forest bathing, the practice of immersing oneself in nature for as much time as you can muster has been proven to be immensely beneficial.  Just by going into a forest, and wandering about (preferably barefoot), rejuvenative effects are huge.  This is a national movement in Japan, and has spread worldwide.  I suspect, given the industrial, crowded nature of modern Japan, that that is why they discovered how cut off they were from the essentials of nature, and why they felt the urgent need to recapture the benefits of nature itself.In the US, and in Europe, nature used to be known as rejuvenative, and necessary for mental, p