Gift Biz Unwrapped | Women Entrepreneurs | Bakers, Crafters, Makers | Startup

012 – Thinking about a Brick & Mortar Shop? with Smita Singh of Womenpreneur Success



Smita Singh is a serial entrepreneur and has created and sold several successful retail and services businesses. At one point, she was running two businesses while she had two little boys at home both under 5 years old. What’s her secret? Automated processes – which is what she now teaches other women entrepreneurs. Smita believes that one size does not fit all in business and she helps identify the holes in your system and creates a strategic plan to automate profit funnels so that you can create a realistic lifestyle business. She hosts a Podcast called Womenpreneur: where her goal is to help women overcome mindset limitations to start or grow their business using high growth tools and strategies. She couldn’t do any of this without the support of her husband who is her sounding board. She says she’s still a physical book kinda gal and her dream home must include a two story library. Motivational Quotes