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117 – Why Life Insurance is for Living Not Dying with Rebecca Bloomfield



Getting insurance today is overwhelming. For this reason over 15 years ago, Rebecca Bloomfield and her husband and partner Jerry Pearlstein, decided to use their experience and empathy to open an insurance agency serving the entrepreneur. They provide health, life, long-term care and disability insurance to people who don’t have a company providing these benefits. Rebecca is particularly concerned about women who so often don’t think of themselves. A little knowledge and preplanning can prevent a catastrophe that many of us don’t even see coming. Equally important, Rebecca explains why life insurance can be a huge benefit right now. It’s not just for once you’ve passed as is the common perception. Rebecca’s StoryHow Rebecca’s career pivoted to focus on individual life insurance. [2:50] Why life insurance is more important today than ever before. [4:35] Advice on who should be considering life insurance. [5:46] Candle Flickering MomentsHow life insurance helped safe a family and business for one of R