Gift Biz Unwrapped | Women Entrepreneurs | Bakers, Crafters, Makers | Startup

122 – Fear Held Her Back … Until It Didn’t with Hallie Sherman of Speech Time Fun



Hallie is a licensed speech-language pathologist working full time in the public schools. In her “spare” time, she blogs and creates digital resources to assist busy speech-language pathologists to make their jobs a bit easier. She started this entrepreneurial journey 5 years ago. At that time, she didn’t have a permanent job and used her blog as a therapeutic outlet. Back then she kept her blog anonymous to prevent having issues while finding a tenure track position. In truth, Hallie didn’t think anyone would read it! But as time went on, she built a following and loyal customer base just by providing content her audience loved. After over 3 years of blogging, she finally revealed her identity and her audience no longer has to admire her incognito! Hallie’s StoryThe purpose behind Speech Time Fun. [4:08] How Hallie’s journey began. [4:53] Why Hallie wanted to remain anonymous. [7:32] She still had fear even after her first sale. [9:03] Getting caught up in the story and feeling like she was lying. [11:16] Th