Gift Biz Unwrapped | Women Entrepreneurs | Bakers, Crafters, Makers | Startup

124 – Adding Frosting to Your Business with Rebekah Wilbur of Rebekah Naomi Cake Design



Rebekah Wilbur is a custom wedding cake designer and owner of Rebekah Naomi Cake Design. She is also the Managing Editor of American Cake Decorating Magazine. Rebekah dedicates her free time to teaching live cake decorating classes, blogging about cake matters, demonstrating at cake shows, and creating online tutorials. Recognized as a Satin Ice Artist of Excellence, she enjoys sharing her passion for cake decorating with others. Her style is instantly recognizable for it’s stylistic sugar florals and refined elegance. Rebekah likes to draw inspiration from art, fashion, fabrics and textiles in the creation of her designs. Rebekah has been featured in many notable bridal magazines. You can find her work as a contributing writer for Bridal Guide and several features in Harper’s Bazaar Bride. She says her greatest professional achievement as a cake decorator is creating a 14-tier cake for the wedding of Kristen Jarvis West. Kristen was the Chief of Staff to Michelle Obama. Both the past First Lad