Gift Biz Unwrapped | Women Entrepreneurs | Bakers, Crafters, Makers | Startup

138 – Your Stress Free Holiday Business Gifting Plan



In the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, we’re so focused on getting gifts made and sold for our business, that remembering to do our own holiday business gifting is an after thought. That’s dangerous and stressful because addressing this at the last minute leads to overspending and mis-aligned results. You throw a list together in haste hoping you don’t forget someone. The gifts you find “will have to do” so at least you’re sending something. And it becomes a big chore when the intent was to extend sentiments of gratefulness and appreciation through your business gifts. That can change this year. Here’s your plan. The Holiday Business Gifting PlanWhy do you need a holiday gifting program in the first place? [2:52] Step OneDetermining a budget at the beginning eliminates overspending. [5:39] Step TwoBreaking your gift recipients into three lists weights gift cost correctly. [7:13] Employees – List One [7:26] Vendors – List Two [8:02] Customers – List Three [8:49] When you have a lot of customers (good