Gift Biz Unwrapped | Women Entrepreneurs | Bakers, Crafters, Makers | Startup

143 – The Power of Purpose - Let's Get Serious about Productivity



The Power of Purpose is a strategy that will help you move forward with your business and produce noticeable results each and every day. What if there was no more guessing if what you are doing is the right activity for growth? Or what if there was no more focusing on the wrong things and wasting time and money? And how about if you could stop comparing yourself to others and feeling like you’re just not keeping up? What if at the end of next year, you could realize revenue increases while at the same time expending less time and money to get those results? And bonus … more balance in your life too! That could mean family time, vacations or indulging in a long lost hobby. The Power of Purpose focuses on a single strategy that prompts you into intentional activity, filters out distractions and time wasters and keeps you active on revenue generating tasks. It’s done through having clarity of purpose for your company overall and for your daily tasks. Hear how The Power of Purpose works and how you can implement