Gift Biz Unwrapped | Women Entrepreneurs | Bakers, Crafters, Makers | Startup

146 – Should You Purchase That Online Course?



The beginning of the year is a good time to reflect back on what happened last year and what types of things you want to do differently in your business this year. One of those, I am hoping, is investing in yourself and in the growth of your business. That is why I wanted to bring up the topic of today which is how to decide if you should take an online course. There are so many different choices out there. How do you decide? It’s a lot more difficult when people are online because they aren’t right in front of you. You might have less of a connection and recently discovered them. How do you make sure you’re not throwing money away with your online course selection? Is it worth laying out that hard earned cash in hopes of getting the result you’re looking for? Over the course of my professional career, I’ve taken my share of courses. I’ve gotten wiser and more analytical when I’m trying to decide if a program is one that I want to invest my time and money in. I’ve created an evaluation system I