Gift Biz Unwrapped | Women Entrepreneurs | Bakers, Crafters, Makers | Startup

150 – Let’s Give Your Logo a Checkup



When you start a business, your logo is one of the first things you’ll think about. It’s such fun to select your name and create your logo! Here we’ll cover how to make sure your logo is as beneficial to your business as it possibly can be. If you are just starting out, this will help as you develop your first logo. And if you’ve been in business for a while, years may have passed since you’ve even thought about your logo. Now’s the time to make sure it still properly represents your business. What is a logo the first place? It’s the first visual representation of your company that prospects see. And for that reason alone it’s super important. But it’s only one part of your overall brand. When we talk about a brand overall, it encompasses every touch point that a customer might have with you. It is the visual imagery in terms of your logo. But it’s also the feel of the business when people come into your shop, when people enter your craft booth, the look of your promotional materials, and how you interact wit