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151 – Your Left Brain is a Bully with Jill Fleming of Beyond Logic Coaching



Jill Fleming is sought after speaker, best selling author, and trusted advisor. While living on a cattle ranch in a tiny town somewhere in the middle of Nowhere, Nebraska, Jill didn’t have the luxury of calling for help when something didn’t work. Instead, she learned to tap into her intuition so she could rapidly create solutions and get right back to business. That explains why she has such a keen eye for seeing things from a different perspective and is especially gifted at helping her clients uncover the next best steps to take in order to create their lives at their highest potential. As an intuitive business strategist and facilitator of freedom, Jill guides entrepreneurs and professionals through the process of clarifying their vision and creating step-by-step fulfillment plans so they can live their best life, starting now. Jill’s StoryJill’s experience growing up in a small town and it’s advantages. [5:21] A friend’s prompting kicked her into action. [8:30] Why Jill loves coaching. [10:36] What is be