Gift Biz Unwrapped | Women Entrepreneurs | Bakers, Crafters, Makers | Startup

157 – 5 Features to Set Your Next Promotion on Fire!



Why is it that some promotions work so well and others … not so much? We’ve identified 5 Features that you can integrate into your next promotion to set it on fire! The good news is you don’t need to use all five. Select which ones work best based on your industry, your customer base and the focus of the promotion. 5 Promotion Features that Get ResultsScarcity – This is going to disappear so act now. Limits – You can use time, such as good through a certain date. Or numbers like, the first 100 responders. Credibility – An explanation of why the promotion exists. It gives logic behind what is being offered whether it’s a price discount or something else. Ego/Exclusivity – Selecting a particular group of people makes them feel rewarded and special. This emotionally connects them to the offer. Value – Offering damaged or used products at a discount is not a great bargain in the eyes of a customer. They think it should be discounted. You want to create a situation where the customer perceives they are getting bet