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159 – All Paws Up for Non-Profit Creation with Carole Yuster of K-9 Reading Buddies



Carole is the Executive Director & Founder of K-9 Reading Buddies of the North Shore. This is a non-profit business that supplements literacy programs in suburban libraries and schools. They use reading teams consisting of registered therapy dogs and qualified handlers to strengthen reading skills while also boosting confidence of the young readers. The Start of K-9 Reading BuddiesThe concept behind K-9 Reading Buddies of the North Shore started back in 2007 around a Starbucks coffee table. A group of five had the idea of bringing therapy dogs into schools to support literacy programs and to motivate the children to want to read. As they put their plan in place, more and more people wanted to contribute to the cause. This is what prompted Carole to formally start her non-profit now known as K-9 Reading Buddies. The business has formalized the program and provides consistency and a professional structure to their worthwhile cause. Candle Flickering MomentsWhen K-9 Reading Buddies was formed, all membe