Gift Biz Unwrapped | Women Entrepreneurs | Bakers, Crafters, Makers | Startup

161 – “Frankensteining It” with Wendy Santini of Pinzit



Wendy is the founder of Pinzit Limited. Actually, this is Wendy’s third career. She also co-owns a family flooring business and practiced as a registered nurse too. Wendy’s product, Pinzit, is a women’s fashion accessory invented quite by accident. She was trying to solve a problem she was having while wearing her favorite new sweater and suddenly, the idea for Pinzit was born. But once Wendy had her idea, what was she to do next? She knew nothing about product development and manufacturing when she got started. But she sure does now! The Start of PinzitOne morning Wendy was trying to figure out how to wear her sweater so that it would in place. She was sick of using a safety pin to keep the shrug from slipping. So she searched through her jewelry box and found a pearl earring to do the job. Unfortunately, the clasp on her earring wasn’t made for that and the earring quickly loosened and fell away – lost forever. However, when Wendy recognized what happened, the idea for Pinzit was born. Business Building Ins