Gift Biz Unwrapped | Women Entrepreneurs | Bakers, Crafters, Makers | Startup

163 – A Sneak Peek into My New Book Maker To Master



Are you discouraged because your small business is not performing as you had envisioned? Are you stuck and confused about how to turn things around? Do you tell people everything is wonderful when inside your stomach is churning because you know it isn’t true? Here’s a sneak peek into the new book Maker To Master. It will help you identify where the holes are in your business and show you EXACTLY how to fix them. You’ll learn from owners just like you who are seeing real success, growing their companies and living their dream. Think back to when you were so excited about starting your own business. Remember how you felt about getting your product out into the world and making money doing what you love. This was the plan to achieve a lifestyle of freedom and pride. Let’s get you back on track with that vision. Maker To Master is specifically for “Gifters-Bakers-Crafters-Makers” addressing the unique challenges you face. It’s time to re-ignite the passion you once had for your business. Maker To Master gives yo