Gift Biz Unwrapped | Women Entrepreneurs | Bakers, Crafters, Makers | Startup

170 – Going from Emotion to Productivity When Tragedy Strikes with Bobbi Baehne of Think Big Go Local



Bobbi is the President of Think Big Go Local, a digital marketing agency headquartered in the Chicagoland area. They focus exclusively on entrepreneurs and have worked with over 300 clients spanning dozens of different industries. TBGL specializes in getting small business messages in front of their client’s ideal customer, thereby growing their business and bottom line. Three years ago, Bobbi lost her 25-year-old son in a motorcycle accident. She is now passionate about turning emotion into productivity and sharing a message of strength and resiliency. Business Building InsightsSocial Media isn’t necessarily a selling tool. It is a relationship building tool. With the limited reach we’re getting in social media, our content has got to get better in order to get noticed. Building relationships requires us to be our authentic self. Start thinking in terms of creating groups, attracting the right people and engaging as your authentic self. Take something terrible that happened in life and turn it into an o