Gift Biz Unwrapped | Women Entrepreneurs | Bakers, Crafters, Makers | Startup

185 – Greetings! Get Your Ideas Out to the World with Adam Donato of Card Isle



The greeting card industry hasn’t really seen anything new in the last 50 years … except for the cards that play music when they’re opened. Card Isle is a company, founded by three engineers, that changes that. They’ve captured all the magic that comes from a tangible greeting card and made it easier to find that perfect card. Whether you run an e-commerce shop, take most of your orders over the phone or have a brick & mortar store, Card Isle sets you up with more selection than a Hallmark store. It also eliminates the headache of guessing what card designs will sell. Business Building InsightsAdam is an entrepreneur because he likes creating and doing things others haven’t done. Go out and talk to customers to understand what problems they are facing. Find out what needs to be solved. Meet people where they are already. Take direction on your next steps from people using your product. Getting the right partner makes a big difference. It must be someone you can count on and trust. In a company there shoul