Gift Biz Unwrapped | Women Entrepreneurs | Bakers, Crafters, Makers | Startup

189 – Colors, Fonts and Graphics. How to Create Your Visual Brand with Sal Frances



Sal Frances is a branding and social media content specialist. Wait, let me back that up. Sal is my branding and social media content specialist. I’ve told her before that I want to keep her all to myself, but that’s not nice. Nor does that serve you at all. Plus, you have asked for direction in this area so I’m bringing you the best. Sal doesn’t call herself a graphic designer though, because branding is so much more! She escaped the corporate world in 2017 with the intention to sell digital products (ebooks and courses.) Sal never thought she’d be designing brands and social media graphics for clients. This came about completely unintentionally simply by sharing her work within her coaching group. To her surprise, everyone said, “I want that. Can you do this for me?” Sal found her place in the social media space organically by learning what she’s best at AND what people need. Today, Sal has a content “batching” service and does custom brand work for clients, which is what she’s doing for me. In fact, she’s