Gift Biz Unwrapped | Women Entrepreneurs | Bakers, Crafters, Makers | Startup

190 – Taking Chances as You Start and Grow a Business with Kate Flynn of Sun and Swell Foods



Kate Flynn is the founder and CEO of Sun and Swell Foods, a healthy snack food company based in Santa Barbara, California. Kate started her company two years ago with her husband, Bryan, after realizing that most packaged snack foods in stores are loaded with added sugars and preservatives. Her mission is to create on-the-go snack foods that are made with only the highest quality, whole food ingredients, so people don’t have to compromise their health when eating on-the-go. Business Building InsightsBelieve in yourself. You’re the one responsible for your success. Hold yourself accountable to the goals and promises you make to yourself. If something doesn’t work, look for another way to achieve the same result. Positive feedback keeps us going. Your product is not for everybody. That doesn’t mean it’s a bad product. It just means it’s not for them. It’s surprising what can happen when you say “yes” to things. Take a moment, pause, and celebrate your progress. Resources MentionedCheck out Jen Sincero’s f