Gift Biz Unwrapped | Women Entrepreneurs | Bakers, Crafters, Makers | Startup

199 – All the Secrets to Going Wholesale with Katie Hunt of Tradeshow Bootcamp



Katie is the founder of Tradeshow Bootcamp, host of the Proof to Product podcast, a business strategist, and mentor to creative entrepreneurs. She’s helped more than 850 brands get their products on the shelves of retail stores big and small. Her clients’ products can be found in Target, Anthropologie, Nordstrom, The Container Store and independent boutiques around the world. Katie is a firm believer in professional development, surrounding yourself with community and pushing ‘go’ even when you might not feel 100% ready. Business Building InsightsFocus on your product first. Make sure everything is in place and you are prepared if you decide to pursue wholesale. As you learn about wholesale, start with small independent shops. Initial contact can be through an email that is brief, to the point and includes a link to your catalog. Being professional at all levels will call attention to your business and help you get repeat orders. This includes order accuracy, timeliness and following up with requests. Buildin