Salford Speaks

Kate - Big Thinking Trail



[Transcription of audio]: Hey there, I'm Kate and I'm part of the University of Salford community and would like to tell you about why I support a future of flexible working. The pandemic has illustrated that the traditional one-size-fits-all approach doesn't work and folks should be given the agency to work in a way that suits them. Remote working isn't just about wearing PJs all day: it's good for the environment; can positively impact our physical, mental, and financial health; it can allow individuals to be present in the lives of their friends and family. Our work output will benefit if we're comfortable and able to be our whole self at work too. Technological advances have given us the opportunity to become a global community while increasing the diversity and inclusivity of workplaces by breaking down systemic barriers of traditional working. After all, work is a thing we do, not a place we go.