The Vital Veda Podcast: Ayurveda | Holistic Health | Cosmic And Natural Law

Quantum Healing, Fertility & Marma Therapy | Royal Physician Dr. Doja Purkit #009



Quantum healing: The deeper reality of mind-body medicine and the influence of consciousness on our biology. Learn how to enliven this place within us for profound and even miraculous healings.How to create comfort for your body so that it can heal itself.Infertility: An epidemic that can certainly be conquered (simply).Join Royal Physician Dr. Doja Purkit as he shares many simple and practical techniques that you can easily integrate into your life.About Dr. Doja PurkitDoja Purkit is a leading expert in the field of Ayurvedic medicine and alternative medicine.He has been practicing from London for 20+ years and is head of the Ayurvedic department at the world-renowned London Hale Clinic.Doja's intimate and basic approach to individualised and personalised treatments make him a saviour for royalty, rock stars and celebrities that live harsh lifestyles.In This Episode We Discuss:How to create comfort for the human body to heal itself.Dr. Doja’s 3 influential factors for healing any problem.Doja's int