Paleo Quick Tip Of The Day

Responsibility is the Meaning of Your Life on PaleoJay's Smoothie Cafe



We live nowadays in a highly complex, interdependant Western civilization.  This means that every person within that complex TRIBE needs to pull their own weight, and MORE!Only by such action have we built this amazing edifice where machinery works, where our huge cities used to work (more on that later), and science and progress continues onward, unabated.  It is by adult men, primarily, realizing that their purpose in life is to work hard to assist others, and to stop those other men who do not do so.  Those parasites who are a threat and a drain, rather than an asset.We have reached a point in our Western civilization, laboriously reared up by our European ancestors over thousands of years, where many of our own people, and unfortunately many many more not of our own people, who have been imported, scream on and on about rights!  Of course, rights are important, like free speech and freedom of autonomy and action, and the rights to bear arms.But now, the shrill cadence screaming they want rights are mainly