Pursuit Of Bliss

Trusting Yourself & The Flow of Life



Can you let go and trust the flow of life? Feel safe surrendering to the unknown? Or will you hang on tightly and try to force a certain outcome? If you are ready to truly trust, let go and surrender listen to the inspiring advice Kristen shares in this week’s episode.   In this episode Kristen discusses: Made more in sales in the past 2 weeks more than she did in her yearly corporate salary What her biggest win was (hint it wasn’t the money) How she had people tell her she needed to do sales calls and have a launch plan and what Kristen did instead to launch her new program The best way to have inspiration and downloads flow in Devotion versus discipline How spirituality can also keep you caged in if you make many rules around it & how you desire to feel instead The reason you do the inner work & what every human is looking to feel The different seasons of life & how it’s important to be discerning which one you are in or desiring to move into How to surrender, trust and not try to con