Paleo Quick Tip Of The Day

Insulin Ages You



Of all the reasons to avoid a high carb and sugar diet, insulin stimulation if one of the best. After you consume carbs, or carb’s twin sugar, your pancreas floods your blood with insulin, to bring down the high sugar levels. If you do this long enough, you will overwhelm your system, and become insulin resistant. Also, there is another piece of the metabolic puzzle called leptin, which is a hormone produced by your good friends- your fat cells! When functioning well, when the fat cells are full-up, meaning you are “fat enough”, this leptin is produced by your very own fat cells to signal you to stop eating- no more food (or FAT) is needed! And so, if you eat a typical, SAD American diet of cereal and skimmed milk for breakfast, sandwich for lunch, and pizza for supper- chances are you will become both insulin and leptin resistant. It doesn’t sound like much, does it? But trust me, it really is- You will get progressively fatter and fatter- more and more insulin and leptin resistant- and most importantly- you