Mature Preneurs Talk With Diana Todd-banks

SUZIE GRUBER Overcoming Limitations of Life’s Traumas Is Not Easy If You Want To Follow Your Heart; Truth Is Most People Are Not Interested In What Needs To Be Done, They Want Results & Is Why Many Miss Out On Life's Greatest Joys



Listen how Suzie Gruber’s life took a circuitous route to be where she is today, helping you to improve your life and really come alive. She says many have an innate drive towards connection, aliveness, and success, an urge that gives you the courage to change, regardless of what you face along the way. But those desires may be submerged until Suzie starts working with a client. It seems more and more people working in jobs feel their heart isn’t in the work, they get uneasy, unhappy, but don't’ do anything about that, yet they can, you just need to begin listening to your heart.   Suzie did that. Despite working in the biotechnology industry, Suzie found her heart wasn’t in it, and said she had to honour her own ‘primal urge’ to do what she loves, helping others come alive and she’s doing that. After learning about the instabilities in our world, Suzie knew she had to listen to her own deeper voice and respond to those challenges by helping people heal, firstly by rebuilding her professional life in a differ