Mature Preneurs Talk With Diana Todd-banks

CHRIS & SUSAN BEESLEY: Retiring The New Way – What Do Those Four Words Mean To You? The Word Retirement Conjures Up Many Thoughts Even For Those Near 50, Some Took A Walk, Others A Leap Of Faith While Others Lost It All in 2007-2008.



Chris and Susan’s plans for their 50’s and beyond, took advantage of the property boom which ultimately became a millstone around their necks rather than the generous pension it was meant to be.  As self employed Accountants and Management Consultants in their fifties they worked 6 - 7 days a week, 10 - 12 hours a day, had a good income but no time ... no time for to do the things they wanted to do in life, a familiar cry of many in the traditional work force. Only two option appeared to exist, continue working for the rest of their lives under conditions they no longer wanted to tolerate, or live hand to mouth on a tiny pension, not a choice thought. They didn’t fancy either option...Chris and Susan felt they had to find a way out, another approach - a goal of many others in this position.  Researching the Internet the couple discovered they could leverage their skills and build a business online. How did they decide on that? Analysing the skills they possessed they also looked at what they really enjoyed do