Ep7 Podcast Channel

Fear of Failure



The fear of failure is one of the most destructive thoughts that can hold us back every day. In this podcast, George & Rachel discuss how this affects us and tactics to overcome this debilitating idea. Here’s what was covered:  • [1:00] How the fear of failure affects our life  • [2:45] Being afraid of what others think of us  • [8:40] The definition of failure  • [10:15] Eat failure like apples to taste success  • [14:05] "The epic fail, is not giving yourself permission to fail" - George Helou  • [14:40] The danger of letting failure guide our decisions  • [19:15] Why you would not want to let the fear of failure stop you  • [25:11] Why you should make room for failure  • [26:25] The key to failure  • And much more! You may also want to listen to: - Making New Years Resolutions Stick - How to Create a Purposeful Career - Being in Flow Join the conversation! Visit our Facebook page https://web.facebook.com/EP7official/