Ceb Talent Angle With Scott Engler

One Mission: Leading Teams at Speed with Fmr Navy Seal, Chris Fussell - Part 1



What if Eisenhower wasn’t the genius we thought he was? Chris Fussell, former Navy SEAL Officer and Partner at McChrystal Group, talks to us about the “leader myth,” and how we often aggrandize leaders of a successful project or mission. With Chris, we dive into some of these misconceptions, and how the characteristics that make a great leader may not be the leader’s individual genius, but rather their ability to pull together networks of good teams and lead in a fast, efficient manner. Listen to Part One of this two-part series. Chris is an author of the 2015 New York Times bestseller, Team of Teams: New Rules of Engagement for a Complex World, and his new book, titled On Mission: How Leaders Build a Team of Teams.