Health & Wellbeing Podcast

How To Lose Weight Without Changing Your Diet (much) #10



How to Lose Weight Without Changing your Diet (much) Health & Wellbeing Podcast #10 with guest Lisa Costa Bir In this episode Lisa and I discuss how to reduce emotional and mindless eating to help control your weight by to reducing overeating. Dieting doesn't work long term so to reach a healthy weight you need to address your habits and maintain realistic healthy eating behaviours - it's what you can stick to that will have the biggest impact. Want to subscribe to get podcasts automatically? You can do that here: Lisa is a Naturopath, lecturer and writer as as well as an Ayurvedic Lifestyle Consultant. Lisa has an interest in treating thyroid and adrenal health. Her practice is in Caringbah in South Sydney. You can connect with Lisa via Facebook, Instagram or on her website Podcast Breakdown 1.04 About Lisa 2.15 Changing behaviour and habits around eatings, vs. low carb/low fat diets. Som