Health & Wellbeing Podcast

#34 Breast Implant Illness



With Alysha Habgood Imagine this scenario: You’re a woman who has made the massive decision to get her breasts enhanced. Perhaps you have just had a few kids and after the ups and downs of breastfeeding, your once perky breasts are now somewhat deflated. Perhaps you have always had small breasts, and with the current obsession of western culture with big breasts, this really affected your self esteem. Perhaps you, like a surprisingly large amount of women, have assymettric breasts, and choose to get implants to even them out. Or perhaps you have had a mastectomy and you chose to get implants to feel like yourself again. But then it’s a few years later, and all of a sudden you start to experience all of these symptoms that you just don’t understand. Your tests come back normal and doctors can’t explain it. You’re losing your hair, you feel tired, anxious, you’re getting weird rashes, you get weird aches and pains, and a whole host of other symptoms that