Health & Wellbeing Podcast

Healing Autoimmune Disease by sorting out gut health, hormonal health and mould with Jenn Malecha



In this episode I’m joined with Jenn Malecha – also know as the (W)holistic Health Boss. I had a great time chatting with Jenn about her own health journey but she shared a lot of knowledge about functioning testing and considerations for chronic health conditions. We talk about how if you have a chronic illness, you need to look at getting your hormones and gut health under control to achieve long lasting results, and we also chat about black mould. We discuss: Jenn’s journey with her health overcoming autoimmune disease by battling hormone imbalance, mould and gut issues. The benefit of functional testing to put together the puzzle of your health, especially talking about the DUTCH test to look at your hormones and stress hormones indepth, and microbiome (stool) test options. How for some people, black mould can dramatically affect your health, and what to do to get on top of it. What major hormonal issues Jenn sees affecting women’s health. How to work out the causes of why you are chronically ill and p