Health & Wellbeing Podcast

PMS and PMDD with Naturopath Lisa Costa Bir - Episode 44



While PMS may be common is is not 'normal' and can be a sign of deeper hormonal imbalances. PMS can express in different ways (there are 150 different type of signs and symptoms that can be attributed to PMS)and one of the more severe forms of this is PMDD (Premenstrual dysphoric disorder). While up to 80% of women experience symptoms of PMS, 8% of women experience a more severe type of PMS called PMDD, and usually starts occurring straight after ovulation (yep, these women often experience 14 days of severe mood symptoms such as aggression, hostility, paranoia, anxiety and depression ). Naturopath Lisa Costa Bir shares her knowledge on how to nourish your hormones and to address the driving factors that cause PMS and we dive deep into PMDD. Read more here: Get in touch with LISA