Paleo Quick Tip Of The Day

The Plague



A plague had entered the land.  Thousands were dying, and thousands upon thousands more would follow, unless it could be stopped.  The wise doctors struggled to find a cure, but for now the only thing that would slow the wild spreading of the disease was for people to stay apart, to not allow the spreading of the virulent virus that rushed from person to person, spreading quick and sure death!But by staying at home, and apart, commerce perforce ended within the country, and the specter of hunger and privation haunted the previously prosperous nation.  But the determined leader of the land, a man with swirling hair of red-gold, put together a decree that would give money, and therefore bread and safety to every resident that were forbidden to work for the overall good of the land.  The wise men and women of the Senate concurred, putting their stamp of approval on the wonderful idea.But there was another group of people, a group that tried to govern the people not by supporting their president, but by attemptin