Paleo Quick Tip Of The Day

NO, you are NOT IMMUNE to Gluten!



I have heard this time and again- “You know, I try to eat right- I even make your green smoothies and feel healthier for it. I exercise religiously. But I think this gluten thing doesn’t apply to me- I’m immune!” Not true. If you have never been off of gluten, and I mean you’ve never really followed through and eliminated bread products, even in relatively small amounts, from your diet for at least a month or two, you have no idea how much better you can “look, feel, and perform”, to quote Robb Wolf. You may think that because you are not overweight, reasonably well muscled and fit, why then why not continue eating your sandwiches, and pancakes, and occasional slice of pie or cake? Well, do you have any of these symptoms that may seem minor (at first!), that are almost certainly due to your gluten habit? 1. Joint pain 2. Either diarrhea and/or constipation 3. Depression or anxiety 4. Brain fog 5. Headaches or migraines 6. ADHD type behavior 7. Insomnia 8. Abdominal distress 9. Hemorrhoids 10. Chronic Fatigue