New-trition Prescription

Mastering our New Habits for a Fit, Fearless and Fabulous Life



My podcast guest today is Lorrie Mickelson, a wellness mentor, personal trainer,  yoga, Pilates & meditation teacher and a self proclaimed habit guru. With a Master’s degree in Health and Physical Education and years of teaching, coaching and speaking, she most loves the opportunity to share her perspective on daily habits and routines.  She passionately believes that they are stepping stones to a more fulfilling and purposeful life and loves to coach clients, class participants and anyone who will listen, on the value of exploring and implementing these healthy, life enhancing gems. In this interview Lorrie shares her perspective on daily habits and routines and how to overcome any resistance we may have. She speaks to the "absolutes" in daily habits to help us to master a fit, fearless and fabulous life. Lorrie is hosting a free online summit: Moving Forward Together - Mastering our New Habits for a Fit, Fearless and Fabulous Life. With over 20 experts (including me) from 5 countries sharing their very