Excel Radio

Episode 35: Best Exercise Routine for a Trim Body | Why Learn to Cook | Best Daily Supplements | Collagen & Coffee | Family & Work Life



Brand. Spankin. New. That’s what this podcast is…   This was our first live Q&A podcast on Facebook. My wife Ashleigh and I came onto the show to share with our listeners what’s new and exciting at NuVision Excel. We talked about: A new sleep e-Book I have been putting together. This sleep e-book is a composition of all of the research-proven and experience-proven methods that I’ve found to work in my life. This will be available in the coming weeks. The newest section (Work Life) on Nuvisionexcel.com where we talk about everything from burnout to proper posture at your desk, to healthy snacks at your office to starting a business. The various ways that we are reaching out to our followers to get your most burning health questions answered. Lab tests that are making the biggest difference in our patients’ lives, including the BioNutrient Test to discover what nutrients you’re deficient in, CardioMetabolic Test to identify inflammatory markers and measure heart health, and the anti-aging Telomere Test